Decades ago saying I am a native Californian ignited some sort of admiration from my out-of-state relatives. I truly wish that still rang true. I was reading the other day about our once-beloved state that has got itself into generational debt. One of the main culprits was the theft of hundr…

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Joe Biden said he wanted to be a one-term transitional stabilizing president. We鈥檝e all watched him succeed on any number of fronts to bring the nation back from a pandemic that threw the world into existential and economic panic, shutdown and self-isolation. We recovered. Our nation recover…

Reckon congratulations are in order ... to the Democratic Party! Who knows, maybe the U.S. will have its first woman president just like Pakistan, Chile, South Korea, Mali, Malawi, Argentina, Vietnam, Philippines, Malta, India, Haiti, Lithuania, Ireland, Poland, Bangladesh, France, Turkey, C…

What follows here assumes that Kamala Harris carries out her stated intention to "earn the nomination" and not pretend that the crown is only in the shop. This gives her an opportunity to craft her image as a centrist with a spine, the sort of Democrat who can win national elections.

Now that President Biden has existed the campaign for the presidency and has endorsed Vice President Harris, Americans have a chance to vote for a very successful minority who has accomplished a lot through the toils of coming from a multicultural family, her dad Black and her mom Asian.

I鈥檓 your great-, great-grandchild that you have never met. My parents and grandparents tell me about you and I wish we had spent some time together.

The hard-line pro-Palestinian group Within Our Lifetime has been protesting against, of all people, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Bernie Sanders. Where did the New York congresswoman and Vermont senator go astray? Didn't they denounce Israel's actions in Gaza as "genocide"? Didn't t…

The power and critical importance of local journalism shows in Steven Mayer鈥檚 recent article covering the death of a much-loved former Bakersfield resident. Since Bernie Herman came to this town, he and his wife, Joan, shared kindness to so many whether participating in local commerce, the n…

Having read the "apology" from Jake Soberal and Irma Olguin Jr., I鈥檓 not impressed. I worked at Stria for 14 years prior to the company鈥檚 acquisition by Bitwise Industries, and over that time, we built a company to be proud of. That included making the necessary tough decisions when times we…

Mineral supply chains are reshaping how we think about energy security. Supplies of lithium, graphite, copper and rare earths 鈥 among many other essential metals 鈥 are already dictating the speed of energy technology deployment and creating new global centers of industrial strength. Converse…

Critics could not wait a moment to attack President Trump after he gave a positive and uplifting speech to all the country as he accepted the nomination for the November election. They claimed that it was the "same old aggressive Trump" with the "same old mean message" even with the calls fo…

I got this! President Joe, in his feeble state, is doing his best to convince his party that "I got this." There is no need for me to state the many times President Biden has shown his lack of cogitative awareness.

Trees are a valuable resource. For many reasons. Healthy tree canopies provide shade, which is appreciated and enjoyed by families and children in parks 鈥 and by bicyclists and walkers along the Kern River Parkway. Trees clean the air, filter our water, reduce energy use and naturally captur…

Bernie Herman was very much a leader in our community. Some more highlights of that leadership include: Ppresident of the Rotary Club of Bakersfield 1994, Chair of the Greater Bakersfield Chamber of Commerce, member of the Facilitation Team of Greater Bakersfield Vision 2020, chair of the 鈥淒…

I agree with Kristie Coons鈥 opinion letter in The Californian ("Unite around the national anthem," July 18). I have often thought the national anthem at the beginning of baseball should be sung by the crowd 鈥 not just one individual.

I agree with Cathy Abernathy; words matter and have consequences. Words matter whether you mean them or not; they matter whether you鈥檙e being sarcastic or pushing peoples鈥 buttons. There are listeners who take your words at face value and respond.

I have a pet peeve. Recently there was a very unfortunate rendition of our national anthem by the guest artist at a baseball game. It wasn鈥檛 the first such performance and it won鈥檛 be the last!

Predictably, supporters are claiming divine intervention was involved in saving Trump from assassination. One pastor said: 鈥淚 see this as God鈥檚 protection.鈥 Marco Rubio of Florida exclaimed: 鈥淕od protected President Trump.鈥

I unequivocally condemn political violence. However, after nearly eight years of Donald Trump stoking division and threats against opponents, judges, lawyers, jurors and fellow politicians, it鈥檚 hard not to see his recent assassination attempt as a result of his own actions. Trump has foster…

The attempted assassination of Donald Trump is an absolute reprehensible act of political violence, no doubt. In Tuesday's Californian, several local political figures were asked to comment on the shooting.

I read Cathy Abernathy's opinion in Tuesday's Californian and I have a few questions. First, she criticized President Biden for calling Donald Trump "... every name in the book" and that we can "... judge a person who uses words to push hate, not issues."

In overseeing the American economy, President Joe Biden has shown himself to be an amazing manager. It's all there in the numbers, especially when placed next to those of his predecessor. And should Biden win a second term and show himself to be not as sharp as he was four years ago, small m…

In the complex legal landscape surrounding artificial intelligence and creativity, California is at crossroads with the proposed聽AB 1836.聽If enacted, this bill would amend existing post-mortem publicity statutes, granting rights over digital replicas of deceased personalities. While aimed at…

Since the fireworks are over, I'd like to make a suggestion. When the city or county grants permits for the fireworks stands, they should also add a sizable fee to be donated to the SPCA. Anyone caught with, or using, illegal fireworks, be given a substantial fine, and a large donation to the SPCA.

Talk about entertaining television. The former president should hold a program akin to the Miss America pageant in selecting his new vice-president. Different sections for various talents to be on exhibition.

In a recent letter to the editor ("How can we be united like this?" July 7), the writer blames diverse groups for creating division in society by forming diverse chamber of commerce organizations to better serve the needs of Hispanic, Black, Asian and gay communities and businesses that they…

The Kern Young Farmers and Ranchers is eagerly anticipating its 9th Annual Charity Farmers Market on Saturday, July 20. Every year we put together this wonderful event for the community. I often get asked if the market is offered more than just once a year 鈥 I wish we could! It鈥檚 a team effo…

In today's political climate, the government is often viewed as an evil entity, an adversary rather than an ally. This sentiment has fostered deep cynicism and mistrust, overshadowing the profound and positive impact that government can have on our lives. The problem lies not with the concep…

After reading Robert Price鈥檚 July 7 front-page column in The Californian, 鈥淭hose inverted July 4th flags overlooked the most grievous outrage,鈥 along with Elizabeth Keranen鈥檚 July 8 鈥淯S is in good shape with Democrats,鈥 I set about inverting an American flag I own.

Walking through Roger Williams Park in Providence, R.I., I came upon a moss-covered monolith listing the Ten Commandments. This was some time ago, but knowing the objections then being made to placing religious artifacts in public places, I thought, "This stone won't be here for long."

I would like to offer a different perspective on Joe Biden鈥檚 recent performance and current health concerns. There is a saying I grew up with, 鈥淯ntil the wheels fall off.鈥